BMW 5 Series Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 5 Series G30 2016-2025 Training Manual

BMW 5 Series G30 2016-2025 Training Manual

The BMW 5 Series is a luxury mid-size sedan that embodies a combination of elegant design, cutting-edge technology, and high-performance driving dynamics. Known for its refined styling, spacious interior, and advanced features, the BMW 5 Series offers a luxurious driving experience.


 Introduction and Body



In February 2017, the 7th generation of the BMW 5 Series G30 will be launched. The G30 contains a wealth of new technologies and design elements that have been further developed and refined. The clo


 Cross Traffic Alert

The Cross Traffic Alert was used for the first time in the G12. This warning assists the driver when maneuvering out of a parking space and in other everyday situations where it is difficult to see the traffic, such as at blind entrances and exits. Depending on the vehicle equipment, the Cross Tr

 Recent destinations

General information The previous destinations driven to are stored automatically. Open the destination from the last destinations 1. Press the button on the Controller. 2. "Recent destinations". 3. Select the destination. Edit recent destinations 1. Press the button on the Controller. 2. "Recen

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