BMW 5 Series Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 5 Series: Terminal Control


 Introduction, Vehicle conditions

Introduction The terminal control in the G30 is identical to the terminal control of the G12. In the G30, the vehicle is always in the right condition from the point of view of the customer. The ter

 Power supply terminals

Control units in the vehicle must be supplied with power only when they are needed. The following terminals are used in the G30: Terminal 15N Terminal 30B Terminal 30F Terminal 30 Terminal 15N

 Partial network operation

Today's premium vehicles contain up to 70 control units with well over 100 micro-controllers which are networked with each other. However, depending on the current vehicle condition or the vehicle u



Overview A Touch Controller is installed in the G30: G30 Controller Controller Direct access keys Menu MEDIA COM MAP NAV BACK OPTION Controller with a touch control box The touch entry is processed in the head unit. A separate control unit Touchbox (TBX) is not installed. Function There


All the functions are already familiar from the G12. Features of the Headunit High 2 The table below provides an overview of the functions of the Professional Navigation System (OE 609): Route magnet The current route guidance can be modified if navigation is active. Quick search The quick

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