BMW 5 Series Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 5 Series: B58TU Engine



The product information "B58 Engine" serves as the basis for this document. This document exclusively describes the changes to the B58 engine and serves to support Technical Service. Due to the hug

 Engine Mechanical

 Engine housing


 Rear collision preparation

Concept The system reacts to vehicles approaching from behind. General information Two radar sensors in the rear bumper monitor the area behind the vehicle. When a vehicle approaches from the rear at a certain speed, the system responds as follows: Active Protection: when a collision seems to b

 Power windows

Safety information Warning When operating the windows, body parts and objects can be jammed. There is a risk of injury or risk of damage to property. Make sure that the area of movement of the windows is clear during opening and closing. Overview Power windows Safety switch Functional requirements

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