BMW 5 Series Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 5 Series: B58TU Engine



The product information "B58 Engine" serves as the basis for this document. This document exclusively describes the changes to the B58 engine and serves to support Technical Service. Due to the hug

 Engine Mechanical

 Engine housing



New features in the G30 The G30 builds on the technology introduced in the 7 Series (G12). This Training manual describes the new features or changes with regard to the G12. The table below lists the new features and changes in the G30 compared to the G12: Further information The functions in th


Concept The air flow directions can be individually adjusted. Adjusting the ventilation General information The air flow directions can be adjusted for direct or indirect ventilation. Open the vents and position them to ensure effective climate control. Direct ventilation The air flow is directed t

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