BMW 5 Series: Body Repair Level 1
Taking into account the repair stages of the BMW workshop information system,
the body repair work
in the Technical Qualification is divided into 3 repair levels. Each of the 3
Body Repair Levels in
Air Breathers are also used on the front fenders of the G30. The Air Breather
is an air outlet behind the
front wheel, which diverts the air flowing into the rear region of the wheel
well in a contr
On the G30, the rear light assembly is attached with 3 screws to the body.
Due to the very small gap
dimensions to the body, it is necessary to adjust the rear lights to the body.
Two adjusting elem
Point A in the heat management module circuit diagram designates the cold
start with an engine that
has completely cooled down.
Cold-start phase, Bx8TU engine
In the cold-start phase, the coolant circulates exclusively via a bypass in
the coolant pump. The rotary
valve in the heat management mod
System wiring diagram
Automatic operation of trunk
Fuses in the power distribution box, front right
Hotel position switch
Body Domain Controller (BDC)
Fuse in the Body Domain Controller
CAN terminator
Fuses in the rear power distribution box
Trunk lift drive, right
Trunk function module (H