BMW 5 Series Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 5 Series: Controller


A Touch Controller is installed in the G30:


G30 Controller


Direct access keys

  • Menu
  • COM
  • MAP
  • NAV
  • BACK

Controller with a touch control box

The touch entry is processed in the head unit. A separate control unit Touchbox (TBX) is not installed.


There are differences in how to operate the controller compared to G12:

  • In the G30, double-clicking on the menu button does not open the favorites list but enlarges the view of the main menu in the CID.
  • The favorites list is opened by pressing and holding the BACK button.

Central Information Display


In the G30, a 10.25" display with touch operation is standard.

G30 Central information displays

The operation and functions of the 10.25" CID with touch function are identical to those in the G12.


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