General information
The navigation system can determine the precise
position of the vehicle with the aid of satellites,
and can reliably guide you to every entered
Navigation data is sto
Additional information for the navigation can be
displayed in the right part of the split screen.
Switching on/off
1. Press the button on the
2. Move the Controller to the right.
The Bluetooth antenna is installed on the side in the area of the center
console. The Bluetooth
antenna is designed as simple cable antenna.
G30 Bluetooth antenna
Bluetooth antenna
WiFi antenna
The antenna for the vehicle WiFi is installed in the area of the left side
sill. The WiFi antenna is
In the event of a front-end or rear-end crash or rollover, the automatic reel
blocks the extension of the
seat belt in order to restrain the occupants. The belt force limiter limits the
load exerted by the belt on
the occupants during the accident and the airbags provide the remaining