BMW 5 Series Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 5 Series: General information

Navigation settings can be individually configured.

Settings are stored for the driver profile currently used.



The vehicle offers different functions, whose use requires a data transfer to BMW or a service provider.

The data transfer can be deactivated for some functions.

General information

When the data transfer is deactivated, the respective service cannot be used. Only make these settings while stationary.

Configure services

1. Press the button on the Controller.

2. Move the Controller to the right.

3. "Settings".

4. "Configure services".

5. Select the desired setting.



The map view can be individually adjusted, for instance the map color and mode can be set. It can also be defined, which Points of Interest are shown on the map.

Setting the map

1. Press the button on the Controller.

2. Move the Controller to the right.

3. "Settings".

4. "Map settings".

5. Select the desired setting:

  • "Day/Night": set the mode of the map according to the light conditions, for example night mode or automatic map mode.
  • "Map style": set map style.
  • "Parking and refuel suggestions": show theme maps automatically.
  • "Reduced mode": the map view switches to rest mode after a while. The displays in the map view are reduced to the essential.
  • "Points of interest on the map": adjust the special destination categories you want to display in the map.



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