BMW 5 Series Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 5 Series: BMW Connected app


The BMW Connected app combines all the apps previously provided by BMW into one common app.

It replaces the following current apps:

  • My BMW Remote app
  • BMW i Remote app
  • BMW Remote App (G12)
  • BMW Connected Classic App (previously: BMW Connected app)

The BMW Connected app is initially only available for the iPhone. A version for Android smartphones will follow shortly.

The previous individual BMW apps will be replaced by the BMW Connected app from October 2016.


The BMW Connected app is illustrated in this product information in conjunction with a BMW i3 so as to be able to show more of the app's content.

Main screen

One or more vehicles are assigned to the BMW Connected app by way of a registration process.

A vehicle can be registered either through the ConnectedDrive portal or directly via the BMW Connected app.

The graphic below shows the main screen of the BMW Connected app once a vehicle has been assigned.

BMW Apps
G30 BMW Connected overview

  1. Vehicle status and Remote Services
  2. Current position of the smartphone and the vehicle and display of scheduled trips.
  3. Scheduled trips (imported from calendar, Apple maps, Google maps, other apps (Yelp) or from the Destinations menu for which a departure time has been saved)
  4. Trips that are saved for a later date (from the Destinations menu, with no fixed departure time)
  5. "Next trips" menu
  6. Destinations menu (contains POIs, frequently and recently used destinations and points 1-4)
  7. More menu (further information, settings, profile and feedback area)

The location of the vehicle and the smartphone is shown in the map section. The location services must be activated in the vehicle and in the BMW Connected app for this view. The scheduled destinations are also marked on the map.

BMW Apps
BMW Connected app location services

  1. Current position of smartphone
  2. Current position of vehicle


Route guidance can be continued after the car has been parked. This is done using walking directions.

The Door-to-door navigation menu is selected by clicking on the map section. Walking directions can then be launched in the map from the current location to the final destination.

BMW Apps
BMW Connected app walking directions

  1. Walking directions to the destination
  2. End trip

Remote Services

Remote Services has been imported unchanged into the BMW Connected app from the previous BMW Remote apps. Remote Services can be accessed by clicking on the vehicle icon in the main screen.

BMW Apps
G30 BMW Connected Remote

  1. Remote Services (lock/unlock vehicle, horn, light)
  2. Climate control
  3. Set departure time


The Status menu displays the current information from the service data.

BMW Apps
BMW Connected Status

Settings menu

BMW Apps
BMW Connected app settings

  1. Battery usage (lower battery used, but rarely updated)
  2. Activation of location services (required for full use of the functions)
  3. Activation of push notifications (e.g. departure time)
  4. Access to calendar (sharing events with BMW Connected)
  5. Access to contacts
  6. Automatic start of navigation in the vehicle as soon as the smartphone is connected via Bluetooth or cable
  7. Permit use of data analytics
  8. Selection of Apple or Google maps for walking directions


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