BMW 5 Series Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 5 Series: Vehicle key


 General information, Safety information

General information Depending on the equipment version, the vehicle is delivered with two vehicle keys or one vehicle key and the BMW display key. Each vehicle key contains a replaceable battery. De


General information The behavior of the vehicle when unlocking with the vehicle key depends on the following settings for unlocking and locking: If only the driver's door and the fuel filler flap o


General information The behavior of the vehicle during locking with the vehicle key depends on the following settings: If the locking of the vehicle is confirmed with a light signal or a sound sign


 AM/FM station

General information Depending on the vehicle equipment and country version, it may not be possible to receive AM stations. Radio Data System RDS RDS broadcasts additional information, such as the station name, in the FM waveband. RDS is automatically active. Selecting a station 1. "MEDIA". 2. "Rad

 Enabling the rear seat

General information It is only possible to make rear seat enable settings via iDrive in the front. Adjusting Limited rear operation 1. "CAR". 2. "Settings". 3. "General settings". 4. "Rear-seat entertainment". 5. "Operation limited". Only the following function can be accessed in the rear in th

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