BMW 5 Series Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 5 Series: Data memory


 General information

Electronic control devices are installed in the vehicle. Electronic control units process data they receive from vehicle sensors, self-generate or exchange with each other. Some control units are nec

 Data entry and data transfer into the vehicle

General information Depending on the vehicle equipment, comfort and individual settings can be stored in the vehicle and modified or reset at any time. For example, this includes: Settings for the

 Event Data Recorder EDR

This vehicle is equipped with an event data recorder EDR. The main purpose of an EDR is to record, in certain crash or near crash-like situations, such as an air bag deployment or hitting a road obsta


 Park Distance Control

The Park Distance Control (PDC), optional equipment (OE 508), assists the driver when maneuvering in and out of a parking space. The current distance from an obstruction is indicated by acoustic signals and on a visual display. G30 Park Distance Control PDC view in the CID The distance from an ob

 Split screen

Concept Additional information for the navigation can be displayed in the right part of the split screen. Switching on/off 1. Press the button on the Controller. 2. Move the Controller to the right. 3. "Split screen". 4. "Split screen" Selecting the display 1. Press the button on the Controller

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