BMW 5 Series Owners & Service Manuals

BMW 5 Series: Personal settings


 Data protection

Data transfer Concept The vehicle offers different functions, whose use requires a data transfer to BMW or a service provider. The data transfer can be deactivated for some functions. General informa

 Driver profiles

Concept In the driver profiles, individual settings for several drivers can be stored and called up again when required. General information There are three driver profiles with which personal vehicle




Concept The route criteria can be individually adjusted. The settings are stored as standard and automatically applied to new destination guidances. Set route criteria 1. Press the button on the Controller. 2. Move the Controller to the right. 3. "Settings". 4. "Route settings". 5. Select the

 AUTO program

Concept The AUTO program cools, ventilates or heats the car's interior automatically. The air distribution and temperature are controlled automatically depending on the temperature in the car's interior and the desired temperature setting including the selected intensity of the air flow. Switching

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