BMW 5 Series: Cargo area
Safety information
High gross weight can overheat the tires, damage
them internally and cause a sudden drop in
tire inflation pressure. Driving characteristics
may be negatively impacted, redu
General information
Attach load securing aids, such as lashing straps,
tensioning straps, draw straps or cargo nets, to
the lashing eyes in the cargo area.
Lashing eyes
There are four lashing eyes in
The cargo area can be enlarged by folding down
the rear seat backrest.
General information
The rear seat backrest is divided at a ratio of 40-
20-40. The side rear seat backrests and the
In the G30, the turn signal/high beam switch and the wash/wipe switch
immediately engage when
operated. The one-touch signalling and headlight flasher continue to function as
before. This measure
was implemented in response to customer requests. The one-touch button will
gradually disappear
System wiring diagram
Horn, left
Horn, right
Relay in the Body Domain Controller
Body Domain Controller (BDC)
Steering column switch cluster (SZL)
Signal path of horn:
When the horn is pressed the signal is received by the steering column
switch cluster (SZL).
The SZL sends the in